“Everyone sees the glory moments, but they don’t see what happens BEHIND THE SCENES”.     Allyson Felix

Have you ever prayed for something, and it has yet to manifest?  I certainly have.  Most people, including myself, have prayed for –a husband/wife, children, a career, property, better health, debt freedom, to win the lottery– life enhancing things that we’re still waiting to happen.   Some of the things we’ve prayed for -for days, months, years, and decades-still remain unanswered. And it is from these experiences, that we’ve learned that the answer to our prayers is not always immediate and may take time. But are our prayers forgotten?  Or is something happening that we can’t, see?  Are our prayers being worked out BEHIND THE SCENES?  I believe that just because we don’t see any movement or activity and it appears as if nothing is happening, things are shifting in our favor. Because our prayers are indeed being answered BEHIND THE SCENES. Do you believe that our unanswered prayers are being worked out BEHIND THE SCENES?  I DO!!   So, for this week’s blog post, let’s talk SHIP about our prayers being answered BEHIND THE SCENES!!!

A friend and I had dinner before heading to see the Soul II Soul concert featuring –Musiq SoulChild, Ledisi, and Kem Friday night.  Over dinner, we caught up on our lives, and she began talking about a situation she’d prayed on that hadn’t yet come to fruition but believed that GOD was working it out BEHIND THE SCENES.  Although the situation hadn’t resolved itself yet, she expressed her belief, without evidence, that it was being worked out. I began to ponder the importance of the work being done BEHIND THE SCENES.  If you really think about it, most of the events, projects, organizations, programs, and sport teams successes can mostly be attributed to the work that they’ve done BEHIND THE SCENES.   BEHIND THE SCENES is where the step-by-step, hard work happens that will ensure that a desired outcome is successfully achieved. The difference between a successful event and an unsuccessful event is determined by the planning work done BEHIND THE SCENES.  When out for dinner at a restaurant, have you ever thought about what it takes BEHIND THE SCENES to serve a great meal? There’s chopping, cooking, seasoning, testing, tasting, and plating that happens before the server can present the meal. BEHIND THE SCENES is also where GOD makes sure that our prayers are properly seasoned, evenly cooked, tested, plated, and HOT before HE’S ready to answer and serve them. Some of our unanswered prayers will remain in the kitchen a bit longer because they require additional ingredients, but just know that BEHIND THE SCENES GOD is personally seasoning our orders to perfection.  And once our prayers have the proper FLAVOR, HE will show FAVOR and lovingly answer and serve them to us. And that’s exactly what happened to me last week

After praying for over 30 years for some kind of relief from a growing student loan debt. Seeing no way out, I had to believe that someday GOD would work it out BEHIND THE SCENES and recently, HE did just that!!  See unbeknownst to me, GOD was working BEHIND THE SCENES to adjust an existing federal loan program that would now give borrowers who’ve worked in public services job for 10 years without having made the 120 qualifying payments, the opportunity to have their student loans forgiven. What? I immediately applied for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program and 7 months later, a 30-year financial weight was finally lifted from my shoulders. After agonizing and anguishing over a loan with usuary interest since graduating from college, just like that, I was relieved of a $45K debt. My loans were officially forgiven. To my delight, on their website, my account had a happy smiley face and it said that my account was now in good standing. All of my accounts that previously had a balance showed zeros now. I was so overjoyed, I was numb.  I was in disbelief that this financial nightmare had finally ended and thanked GOD for answering this life-changing prayer for me BEHIND THE SCENES.

So, hang in there, HE’S working BEHIND THE SCENES to answer your prayers too!! All we have to do is leave our prayers at HIS feet and have an undetermined amount of patience and faith, and GOD will work BEHIND THE SCENES to answer our prayers. We just have to believe with every fiber of our being that even though we don’t see any movement, activity, or progress, that GOD is truly working BEHIND THE SCENES to answer our prayers. See when GOD is working BEHIND THE SCENES, he doesn’t make announcements, HE makes ways out of no way. When GOD works BEHIND THE SCENES, HE doesn’t disrupt our peace, HE restores it.  So, if it feels like GOD doesn’t hear our prayers because they remain unanswered, just trust and believe that GOD is working them out for you BEHIND THE SCENES!!!

SHIP TALK: Do you believe that our unanswered prayers are being worked on BEHIND THE SCENES?

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2 Replies to “BEHIND THE SCENES?”

  1. Kecia, Hang in there,yours will be forgiven to. Keep checking there website. Thanks for supporting the blog.

  2. I’m so happy for you regarding those student loans. I’m still fighting that fight, but I’m much closer to paying mine off too. I absolutely believe that GOD is always working things out “behind the scenes.” I love your blog.

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