“Create in me a CLEAN heart, O GOD; and renew a right spirit in me.” Psalms 51:10
Do you have too much stuff? Lord knows I do. Last week, while looking for an important document, I discovered just how much I had. I had to sift through paperwork from jobs I hadn’t worked at in years, old tax forms dating back 10 plus years, birthday cards and funeral programs collected over the years, and a bunch of other stuff. After I found the document, I knew I couldn’t continue to ignore this accumulation of unnecessary paperwork, it had to be CLEANED OUT. When I was finished, I had 2 huge garbage bags filled with outdated paperwork. It felt good purging stuff that was no longer purposeful. So good that I decided to tackle my clothes closets next. While unloading my clothes, I began to reflect on how much stuff I’d accumulated and wondered why I continued to hold on to it. I hadn’t worn most of it in years. It was then, I realized the importance of regularly assessing who and what we allow in our lives. Do you have paperwork or closets that you’ve sorted through but haven’t CLEANED OUT? Do you hold onto unnecessary paperwork? Is that dress still on the hanger because it’s cute even though it doesn’t fit? Do you have friends that you socialize with despite your glaring differences? This year I’m releasing everything in my life that doesn’t have a purpose. Does your life need to be CLEANED OUT? Mine STILL DOES!!! So for this week’s blog, let’s talk SHIP about the value of keeping our lives CLEANED OUT!!
Although I had sorted through my clothes closets last year, they hadn’t actually been CLEANED OUT. But last week, I got rid of tons of clothes that no longer fit or that I’d never wear again, including clothes with tags that had never been worn. As I touched each garment I recalled how cute I looked in it and determined if I was going to keep it or not. I separated the clothes into 3 piles- a definite trash pile, giveaway pile, and the charity pile-re-entry employment program, and prom project pile. I separated sentiment from actual use and when finished, I had filled 11 big garbage bags with clothes. It took about 8 hours but I had CLEANED OUT the majority of closets in my home and it felt fabulous. I felt the benefits of my closets being CLEANED OUT immediately. They were now organized, my clothes and shoes were now sorted, and now my wardrobe was easily accessible. With my closets CLEANED OUT I instantly gained clarity and a sense of order.
Purging our lives from things and people that serve no purpose is a freeing experience. But most of us will continue to carry stuff and people with us on our journey simply because. We keep clothes because we believe we’ll fit them again. We keep paperwork because we label it important. We stay in unhappy relationSHIPS because we fear being alone. The truth is, no matter how painful, in order to grow, we must sift through the people and things that we allow to be a part of our lives. We must get rid of people and things that no longer have a purpose other than taking up time and space in our lives. We need to remove those people and things that create clutter, chaos, and disharmony. Our lives will inevitably need to be CLEANED OUT. After all, most things-cars, appliances– require some sort of maintenance and eventually will need to be CLEANED OUT, and so will our lives. But what happens when our lives are CLEANED OUT?
When our lives are CLEANED OUT, it affords us a better quality of life. We feel less stressed. It allows us to make space for people and things that we value. It creates a peaceful environment that will enhance and benefit ALL of our relationSHIPS. When our lives are CLEANED OUT, we become centered and are able to clear the path that allows GOD to enter. When our lives are CLEANED OUT, it enables GOD to create in us a CLEAN heart and renew in us a right spirit. It’s a new year, let’s do things differently. Let’s bring harmony and focus to our lives. Let’s get rid of the people, things, and stuff that don’t add any value to our lives. In 2022, let’s love ourselves MORE and take the necessary actions to get our lives CLEANED OUT!!!
SHIP TALK: Have you CLEANED OUT your life? How? What did you do?
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Hey Darren, Good to hear from you. I am floating over here. I am organized by the closets. I still have to do my kitchen drawers but it is a process. It really is a freeing experience. Glad you recognize the need to get those areas CLEANED OUT!!. Tell Kathy, I said hi
This is a great article Val and extremely timely. My wife Kathy and I actually did some CLEANING OUT this past weekend. I have read many times about how engaging in this important act can bring a sense of relief and accomplishment. Without any prompting from me she actually said out loud to me ” wow I feel like a weight has been lifted” (this was after she too filled up quite a large trash bag with clothes and shoes). Every time I walk into my garage it creates tension in my life. I have a sock drawer that makes me crazy, I also have waaaaay too many t shirts and let’s not even mention shoes. So, this article is right on time! I’m definitely going to make doing this CLEANOUT a priority this year. I plan to tackle an area in and around my home each weekend AND in my life to CLEAN OUT ! My circle has consistently gotten smaller over the years and I attribute that too doing maintenance of people I value.
Thank for the nudge I needed…. D-Day