“Change is the end result of ALL true learning.” -Leo Buscaglia
As we approach a new year, I had to express my gratitude to GOD for holding my hand these past 12 months. For me, 2023 was an introspective year. Albeit, filled with both triumphs and challenges, this year’s LIFE LESSONS taught me about self. As I reflected on the joyful times and the “not so” joyful times that this year presented, I found myself being thankful for it ALL. Regardless of what came my way, I hung in there even when I considered giving up. I’ve laughed and cried, celebrated and grieved, and guess what… I still made it! This year’s LIFE LESSONS taught me that I was much stronger and more resilient than I thought. What LIFE LESSONS did 2023 teach you? So, for this week’s blog post, let’s talk SHIP about LIFE LESSONS!!
This year proved that blessings and LIFE LESSONS go hand in hand. Why? Because EVERY blessing teaches us some sort of lesson. As I continued to reflect on the LIFE LESSONS that I’ve learned, I realized the majority of them were learned through “storm-like” experiences. I discovered that the lesson wasn’t about the experience –the betrayal, the deceit, the theft, the lies, the hurt –the lesson was in how I responded. See, I found that when I replaced the thoughts of payback, and retribution with forgiveness, it changed both my perception and the outcome of the situation. But, learning this lesson, required me to sit in silence – praying, meditating, and focusing on GOD’S next steps, not mine. This LIFE LESSON wasn’t easy, but it was necessary for my peace, my salvation, and for me to clearly hear GOD’S voice.
Most of the LIFE LESSONS I learned this year were attributed to the “storm-like” experiences I had within my business, nappyXpressionz. Shortly after its launch, I found myself in conflict with my former business partner. So, for the first 6 months of 2023, I sat in silence and clung tightly to the scripture, “Be still and KNOW that I am GOD” and it worked. At the right time, HE revealed my partner’s wrong doings, severed our partnerSHIP, provided the resources, and gave me the confidence needed to re-launch the business that HE gifted me….and I AM NAPPY about it!!!
Indeed, 2023 taught me a host of invaluable lessons. But the biggest LIFE LESSON I learned is that “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME.” So, as I enter 2024, I’m preparing spiritually to let GOD handle my hopes and dreams and I’m stepping boldly and bravely into this New Year, trusting GOD’S divine guidance and looking forward to learning the LIFE LESSONS HE has for me this year. Happy New Year!!!
SHIP TALK: What LIFE LESSONS did you learn in 2023?
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