“Wisdom is knowing when to REST, when to have activity, and how much of each to have.” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

We are ALL busy with life and by now have probably realized that “doing” and “living” can be exhausting. We are so busy giving and doing for others, we forget about our wants and NEEDS and that can be unhealthy and dangerous. We get so caught up in “living” that we forget to appreciate the beauty of life itself. At times, we all may feel overwhelmed and stressed out. That’s why it’s so important to care for and love ourselves. Loving ourselves is when we continuously give ourselves- our minds, our bodies, and our spiritual selves-the MUCH NEEDED REST that they so desperately NEED and deserve. MUCH NEEDED REST is more than our nightly hours of sleep. It’s a type of REST that involves our whole being NOT just our bodies. The importance of some MUCH NEEDED REST shouldn’t be taken lightly. Do you make time for some MUCH NEEDED REST? How? If you don’t, you should. It’s imperative that we regularly renew and refresh our minds, our bodies, and our spirit because all three require constant attention and regular maintenance. But, maintenance can only be acquired by getting the MUCH NEEDED REST that we NEED and deserve. Are you in need of some MUCH NEEDED REST ? I just got some but know I WILL NEED some more in about 3 months!! So for this week’s blog, let’s talk SHIP about the importance of getting some MUCH NEEDED REST!!!

For the past 20 years, I’ve started my day reading Daily Word affirmations. Each morning the meditations give me a positive thought to carry throughout the day, and Saturday’s message entitled “REST” really resonated in my spirit so I thought I’d share it as the theme for this week’s blog post. It reads as follows:

No matter how busy I am or how full my schedule is, I take time to REST. I know that any looming tasks will be there for me to take up later. Now is the time to be still, to create a sacred space, and practice the presence of GOD. Stillness is a gift, as is silence, In this space, there is nothing to do, no place to be, no rush. Breathing deeply, I let the muscles of my face, shoulders, back, limbs, and torso release any tensions they have been holding, My body is comfortable as I relax and let my awareness of my surroundings fade. I am nourished by divine light and love. I sink into tranquility as I experience bliss in the quiet of my surroundings. When I am ready, I return to purposeful activity, refreshed, and focused. I am grateful for my REST. And I say, O that I have winds like a dove!! I would fly away and be at “REST.” Psalms 55:6

Last week I was able to do just that….REST!!! As I celebrated my birthday in Palm Springs, I got some MUCH NEEDED REST. Mentally, I released any thoughts of schedules and the busyness of doing stuff and was able to let go and live in the moment. For 4 days, I hopped in and out of the pool and jacuzzi basking in the nothingness of life. While reflecting on the gift of seeing another year and tuning into GOD’S goodness and mercy, I became overwhelmingly grateful. As I focused on the beauty of my surroundings, I embraced its stillness and its silence. And as I did, I felt my mind, body, and spirit relaxing. I felt aligned and whole. This weekend gave me the opportunity to get some MUCH NEEDED REST. Even after I returned home, I was in no rush to return to the busyness of life, so I didn’t. I didn’t crank up my computer or check my emails for days. Over the weekend, I slept in and continued to get some MUCH NEEDED REST before having to deal with the responsibilities of the upcoming week. Getting some MUCH NEEDED REST allowed me to focus on the now, the present, and not on the what’s next.

The truth is living takes a lot of energy that will often leave us feeling exhausted. Yet, it’s a feeling of tiredness that may require something MORE than sleep. It may require getting some MUCH NEEDED REST. Giving ourselves the opportunity for some MUCH NEEDED REST benefits us by easing stresses, relieving anxieties, reducing depression, and enabling us to sleep better. Getting some MUCH NEEDED REST doesn’t require a lavish getaway, but it does require an effort. It starts with us giving ourselves permission to take the time NEEDED to REST, relax, renew and refresh. So when you find yourself feeling physically and mentally exhausted and rundown, take a break and get some MUCH NEEDED REST!!!!

SHIP TALK: Do you make time for some MUCH NEEDED REST? How do you get some MUCH NEEDED REST?

At www.whatstheship.com, we appreciate your support and would love to hear from you. If you’d like to leave a comment, please scroll down to the bottom of the page. But remember, I am sensitive about my SHIP!

2 Replies to “MUCH NEEDED REST!!!”

  1. Thanks Robin, I really appreciate your support. REST is a reality that unfortunately many people don’t benefit from. Sure folks sleep, but they fail to take the time to renew their mind, body, and spirit and that is sooooo necessary for us to continue to be able to give ourselves to others. I’m single but hope to connect with a man who understands the importance of rest and quiet times. Thanks again.

  2. Nice Post Valerie. Taking a much needed rest is good for the body and spirit. It’s also imperative for your health. If you don’t take the time to give your body and mind that much needed respite, of relaxation, then it will do it for you in the form of sickness. When you take care of your self, then your self will appreciate and take care of you.

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