“The PRICE OF PEACE is righteousness.”
Ezra Taft Benson
Shhhhhh…Listen. Do you hear that? Listen, Listen again. Can you hear it now? It’s the harmonious sound of PEACE. For some of us, it may be difficult to hear because we’ve conditioned ourselves to ONLY hear the blaring sounds of the twins-discord and disharmony. See the longer we spend time in nonproductive situations and worrying about fixable things- in a loveless marriage, in “going nowhere” relationSHIPS, in jobs that pay the bills but don’t bring us joy, focusing on lack, or on wayward children- it becomes harder to hear the melodious sound of PEACE. But believe it or not, PEACE really can exist in every area of our lives, we just have to be willing to pay its PRICE. Does PEACE have a PRICE? And if it does, how much does it COST? Recently I stumbled across a profound statement by an unknown author that I found thought-provoking…it read, “It is important to learn to be done with certain situations, without feeling mad or bothered. Instead, be at PEACE with yourself and move on.” As I pondered this powerful quote, the thought, the PRICE OF PEACE popped in my head. Have you ever had to pay the PRICE OF PEACE? Lord knows I HAVE!!! So, for this week’s blog post, let’s talk SHIP about the COST of the PRICE OF PEACE!
I, like most women, enjoy shopping and will gladly pay the PRICE for a pair of quality, comfortable shoes, AND a few stylish outfits. I enjoy entertainment- a vacation, tickets to a football or basketball game, and for a few tasty drinks at happy hour-and am willing to pay the PRICE to indulge in these activities. We live in a world where not too many things are free, not even the bare essentials. We are expected to pay the PRICE for everything we want to do, see, or have because there is a COST associated with everything. We PAY –to be housed, to watch TV, to talk on the phone, to be transported from here to there-either by car or bus, to eat, to get educated, to maintain health, to enjoy passions, and taxes to work -you name it, we pay a PRICE for it. No doubt, we ALL pay a PRICE for everything, whether we want to or not. But are we willing to pay the PRICE OF PEACE? And if we are, how much does PEACE COST?
As I continued to reflect on the statement, I realized that the COST of the PRICE OF PEACE was. embedded in the statement itself. Here it is again, “It is important to learn to be done with certain situations, without feeling mad or bothered. Instead, be at PEACE with yourself and move on.” See when we break the statement down, the actual COST is revealed. Let me show you-
“It is important to learn–the COST is the willingness to learn a lesson– to be done with certain situations-the COST is the willingness to close the door on particular situations that mean us no good; to let go-without feeling mad or bothered-the COST is the willingness to forgive others and ourselves without having any resentments or ill feeling. Accepting it is what it is, not trying to make it what it should be-Instead–the COST is the willingness to recognize that we have choices and only we can choose- be at PEACE with yourself- the COST is the willingness to accept our flawed selves as we are while recognizing that we are beautifully and wonderfully made. Self-acceptance- -and move on- the COST is the willingness for us to move forward living for and with GOD.
We pay for everything else, we should be willing to pay for the PRICE OF PEACE? As Easter approaches, I just stopped by to remind you that the PRINCE of PEACE paid the PRICE OF PEACE way back on Calvary…..
SHIP TALK: Are you willing to pay the PRICE OF PEACE?
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Thanks Keicia…it’s worth every sacrafice to protect
Thanks Angie. I fell in love with this quote. So simple but so profund. I am so willing to pay for the PRICE of PEACE.
There’s so much truth to this article. Peace is so valuable, and we definitely need to protect it all costs.
EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT read, Val, and so on POINT! This unknown author said BEST! “It is important to learn to be done with certain situations, without feeling mad or bothered. Instead, be at PEACE with yourself and move on.” Thanks for noting the quote AND for breaking it down for us to actually put our Price of Peace in perspective….
Your question, Are you willing to pay the PRICE OF PEACE? My response; YES, YES and YES! 🙏🏾 I have paid a Price for my Peace and will continue to pay the Price so I can continue to have Peace! 🙏🏾✌🏾
Thanks Sheila….the PRICE OF PEACE is love. Loving thyself first because if we don’t, well will never experience true love. Thanks for reading, I appreciate it
A good post. It brought this to my mind. Peace can mean letting go of your heart. You mentioned a wayward child. Lord knows, pretty much parent/guardian has had some grief whether it’s a sick child, a rebellious child, a missing child, or having to let go of the perfect child when they leave the nest. I’ve seen so many helicopter parents who hover over everything in their child’s life never wanting to let go. They are doing everything they can to a good parent. Yet, they never have peace, always worried about protecting their child from things that happened to themselves in the past, things that happened to their kid in the present, and things that never happened but might happen in the future. It’s exhausting but they don’t care. Sometimes the heart is the price of peace. We can be neurotic about love. Whether it’s our parent, mate, child, or career. Worrying. It tears at our heart, but it’s everything but love: Control. Fear. Insecurity. Like the old saying about the bird goes, let it go. If it is meant to be, it will return. That goes for the heart too. We have to trust in the process of growth, in the laws of the universe, and in God. In letting those things go that tear at our heart, we will find our heart. And in turn, Peace. Whatever, the situation. I agree. Give it to God. The Prince of Peace paid it all. Give him your heart and get peace in return. A message to myself…