“When we ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives, we’ll expose the best parts of ourselves.” TIM MADEM
Over the Easter weekend, I found myself reflecting on the emotions that the people who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion must have experienced. Within a matter of days- from Palms Sunday to Resurrection Sunday– emotionally their feelings must have gone from the heights of joy to the depths of despair. But their despair wouldn’t last very long. Three days after HIS crucifixion, Mary Magdalene and Mary visited Jesus’ tomb, and witnessed an angel ROLLING BACK THE STONE of the empty tomb that once held Jesus’ body proclaiming, HE has RISEN!!! While reflecting on Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, I pondered what would happen, if we ROLLED BACK THE STONES in our lives. What would we discover? Do you have STONES in your life that need to be ROLLED BACK? Whew chile, I certainly DO!! So for this week’s blog, let’s talk SHIP about what can happen when we ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives!!
While journeying through our own tragedies and triumphs, much like those that witnessed the crucifixion, we too have had days where we find ourselves experiencing similar feelings and emotions. We’ve all experienced devastating losses and extremes of joys that make life appear as if it’s nothing more than an emotional rollercoaster. That’s probably because it is!! Our emotions affect how we learn, our motivation, behavior, and how we interact and communicate with others. They evoke feelings of joy, sadness, anger, despair, and disgust, and dictate how we respond to situations or events that we encounter. But our emotions are extremely fragile and require constant attention. If we ignore or block our emotions, over time, they’ll harden and turn into STONES. And if they remain unattended, they will eventually begin to hinder our goals and life dreams. It’s not until we make the decision to ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives, will we begin to truly live life.
When we ROLLBACK OUR STONES, we’ll have the clarity to see the deeper truth in every situation. When we ROLLBACK OUR STONES, we’ll release any resentments, bitterness, and anger that we may feel. When we ROLLBACK OUR STONES, we’ll recognize that our unwillingness to forgive blocks our awareness of how love flows to and through us. When we ROLLBACK OUR STONES, we’ll sow new seeds of life that will bloom into lasting peace, love, and freedom. When we ROLLBACK OUR STONES, we’ll experience a sense of renewed peace and joy. When we ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives, we will create a space for a rebirth that will allow the light of Christ to shine brightly within us.
Much like that Easter morning years ago when they ROLLED BACK THE STONE and found that Jesus’ tomb was empty when we ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives, we’ll discover that our tombs are empty too. Emotionally empty that is. When we ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives, just like Jesus, we’ll discover the weight of the crosses and the STONES that we bear. When we ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives, just like Jesus, we’ll have enough faith to trust that GOD will send an angel to help us release and remove them. When we ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives, we’ll believe that we can do ALL things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us, and with confidence acknowledge that we have the ability to RISE above any circumstances. When we ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives, just like Jesus, we’ll unleash a bounty of unlimited love and forgiveness. When we decide to ROLLBACK THE STONES in our lives, we will realize that GOD gave HIS only begotten SON so that we can have a more abundant life. So if your desire is to live life more abundantly, you gotta ROLLBACK THEM STONES!!
Wishing you and your family a HAPPY EASTER!!
SHIP TALK: Do you have STONES in your life that need to be ROLLED BACK?
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Yes Ma’am. We have to Rollback dem stones….LOL
When we Rollback the Stones… 🔥
Amen 🙏🏾