“The person who is willing to SAY YES to experience is the person who discovers new frontiers.” John Templeton

Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of speaking with two women-one a friend, the other I had never met -about two different subjects but ironically, our conversations had a common theme. Both conversations were business-related and both women shared stories of their re-invention of self and how that change enhanced and grew their businesses. As I reflected on both conversations, I realized how timely, empowering, and needed they actually were for me. In different ways, using different words, we talked about the need for us to SAY YES to ourselves. How often do you SAY YES to yourself? What does that even mean? When we SAY YES to ourselves, regardless of the obstacles, the lack, or possible setbacks, we are giving ourselves permission to forge ahead anyway. So for this week’s blog, let’s talk SHIP about the need for us to SAY YES to ourselves!!!

Last Friday, I reached out to a friend to utilize her services only to discover she wasn’t performing thar service anymore. She is a true grinder and entrepreneur who because of a horrible car accident in February, was no longer physically able to perform in a few of her businesses.  However, the service I inquired bout, was NOT one of them, so she explained why she let it go. Her accident, as unfortunate as it was, required a lengthy healing process, which enabled her to rethink her life’s path. She realized that although running her businesses paid the bills, it wasn’t allowing her to utilize her natural GOD-gvien gifts. She needed to let go of what she had created in order for her gifts to manifest itself, so she did.  In an effort to seek clarity, she began meditating so she could hear GOD’S wisdom, words, and directions more clearly.  She returned to school, became a Life Coach, and has opened a life coaching business. She, paraphrasing, in essence, told me she decided to SAY YES to her circumstances. She knew it was time to SAY YES to herself and when she did a more satisfying and profitable occupation emerged.

On Saturday, I spoke to the woman I didn’t know. I called her to pick her brain because she was already successful in the business that I was trying to embark on. As I listened attentively, she told me how she got started.  She explained that when she launched her business, it was overwhelmingly successful and she wasn’t prepared for the sudden success. She had to step back for a minute, re-assess the situation, make some modifications, and re-start the business. During our conversation, she gave me some helpful information about content, organization, and distribution. Then she began asking questions about my business concept. While discussing my business, I mentioned that a survey indicated my business could generate a generous monthly profit but that I declined because I felt the business wasn’t ready yet. After my explanation, she said, just SAY YES. I quizzically asked, SAY YES? She said YES, SAY YES. She explained that when an opportunity presents itself, you simply SAY YES!!!  The universe knows your circumstances and if it is presenting itself to you, you are ready, so just SAY YES. Don’t look at the lack, just SAY YES!! Don’t look at the obstacles, just SAY YES!!  Don’t look at how long it will take to attain your goal, just SAY YES!!

Both of these ladies taught me an invaluable lesson about the importance of SAYING YES to myself and now I’m encouraging you to SAY YES too. SAY YES despite our fears! SAY YES to our dreams no matter how distant they are! Whatever you are going through…..the solution is simple, just SAY YES. SAY YES to hitting your weight loss goals! SAY YES to leaving an abuse relationSHIP! SAY YES to getting that college degree! SAY YES to becoming clean and sober! SAY YES to meeting and marrying the love of your life! SAY YES to getting that promotion, getting a new job, and having a successful career! Just SAY YES to opportunities that will allow you to grow, enhance or develop new skills. SAY YES to endeavors that will allow you to utilize your natural GOD-given gifts. SAYING YES means YOU believe you are WORTH IT and YOU ARE!!! So Just SAY YES!!!

SHIP TALK: Do you ever SAY YES to yourself? How?

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2 Replies to “SAY YES”

  1. I’ve “Say Yes”, to getting my ankle surgery last Wednesday in order to correct my flat foot. It’s a 3 month commitment to a “non weight bearing cast”. But I “Say Yes” to better physical temple.

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